Wednesday 27 October 2021

Sekhmet chapter re-introduced into the main thesis

A few months back I reluctantly decided to remove my Sekhmet chapter from the main thesis, owing to word count, resigning myself to publish it separately. However, this week my partner and fellow PhD student Thomas Husøy sat down with me and realised that I had miscounted and had plenty of room remaining! (I don't know how I had got it so wrong...). So, Sekhmet is back in the thesis and I am now plotting the course of my final chapter: Engagement with Heritage & Scholars. The discussions on tensions and mutually beneficial relationships will be partly featured here and in the thesis conclusions.

My revised thesis plan is now thus:

     1. Introduction (part-drafted)
     2. The Reception of Ancient Goddesses ✔
     3. Case Study: Aset-Isis ✔
     4. Case Study: Aphrodite (case study)✔
     5. Case Study: Sekhmet ✔
     6. Engagement with Heritage & Scholars (in process)
                                                                        7. Conclusions (not started)

Today I also officially sent off my final questionnaire for ethics review. Once it is accepted all 3 questionnaires will be available to participants, and I have created nice adverts for the occasion!

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