Monday, 7 September 2020

Get involved in this research!

My name is Olivia and I am a PhD student in Historical Studies at the University of Bristol. I am studying how adherents of Goddess Spirituality are reviving the veneration of ancient Mediterranean goddesses in the 21st century. My goal with this research is to establish how we can build a mutually beneficial dialogue between Goddess devotees and scholars of the ancient world. This call is for those who may wish to participant in this research.

I aim to include a diverse demographic to ensure that it is representative of the many different voices and experiences within modern Goddess Spirituality. I therefore want to learn from people from various ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, and physical abilities. It is my hope that this online call will be able to reach such a demographic of individuals who may wish to put themselves forward for participation.

I invite individuals to volunteer their participation in any of the following capacities:

  • Filling out a questionnaire (online, audio,
    or paper copy upon request) - 
    Questionnaire Link
  • Engaging in an interview (UK in-person if travels permits, otherwise in an online call or through email)
  • Engaging in a focus group (in-person Bristol, UK; or online via Zoom)
  • Inviting me to participate on a pilgrimage tour / to a ceremony / to a related event

 This research invitation is extended to those who fulfil the following:

  • You are based in the UK or the US (regardless of your nationality), OR you frequently engage with a Goddess Spirituality community in these locations.
  • You follow ‘Goddess Spirituality’ (flexible definitions are accepted)
  • Your spiritual path involves goddesses from the ancient Mediterranean*

*For my study I specifically focus on ancient cultures from countries known today as Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, and Egypt. Please note that Egypt is included in this study because ancient Egyptian culture influenced those of the ancient Mediterranean quite substantially.

I am also keen to hear from scholars of the ancient world and heritage professionals, who may find this research of interest and who may already engage, or wish to engage, with Goddess devotees as a special interest group.

If you are interested or want to know more about what is involved in the above participation, please do get in touch with me:


Blog: Contact box via


Twitter: TeaWithAthena


Olivia Kinsman

PhD Candidate Historical Studies, University of Bristol

Supervised by Prof. Ronald Hutton and Dr. Genevieve Lively


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