If this is something that interest you, then great!
As well as taking a student loan to cover tuition and working part time to feed myself, paying for PhD research is always a tricky task!
I am therefore raising money to help fund my field research. I will need to go out and meet with NeoPagans, both within the UK and in Europe. I need to interview people, witness their pilgrimages, and see their temples (both ancient and modern). This is a vital part of my research and the ability to travel is something which is not covered by my loan!
So if you are indeed interested in the project, please consider helping me out here, or getting in touch through the links below. I welcome correspondence from people asking questions and providing insights!
Gofundme campaign >> https://www.gofundme.com/f/neopagan-phd-research
**I have run a gofundme campaign before where we raised around £600 to go towards my postgraduate study. THANK YOU! £300 of this has gone on a laptop to conduct research on as I had no other (and is only to be used for that purpose). I still have the remaining £300 ready to put towards my research, as promised. This second campaign is a continuation from that.
You can follow the project through these links:
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