Tuesday, 2 May 2023

Venus spotted in Swansea Pride March 2023

In ancient times the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite were significantly involved many aspects of life - including politics! Aphrodite was also particularly associated with gender diversity and same-gender sexuality (look at her bearded or phallic iconography, her son with Hermes, Hermaphoditus, and her association with Sappho). 

Shown above is a photo taken at an LGBT+ Pride Parade in Swansea, Wales (UK), where representatives of the local Pagan community march with an image of Venus.

Clearly, her modern devotees are recalling these traditions, calling upon Venus as an ally to LGBT+ people in protest and celebration.

This is something that I discuss in my case study chapter on Aphrodite.

Friday, 13 January 2023

Entering the Fourth & Final Year

This research is now in its fourth and final year and so, as of the 10th January 2023, opportunities for participants to get involved have now closed.

This year will be spent writing up my conclusions, collating data from the questionnaires, and general formatting. I am also working on a chapter for the upcoming edited volume, Persephone in Love, writing about the reception of the Persephone-Hades pairing in Goddess Spirituality. Although Persephone has not been a goddess central to my thesis, much of the content of this chapter has been informed through peripheral study and through the key interpretative lenses of Goddess Spirituality (discussed in my first chapter). So this is what I will be focusing on now, alongside completing the final stage of the thesis.

I am extremely grateful to everyone who has responded to questionnaires and interview questions, shared images with me, and welcomed me to attend online ceremonies for passive participant observation. I hope that you will find the thesis affirming, challenging, and enlightening.

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